Electric Motors' Production

Reliability and flexibility are a part of Ride’s philosophy and this allows to produce a large range of Dc electric motors and Dc electric gear motors.

The attitude to realize different products and processes makes Ride the ideal partner to face to new challenges.
Ride is able also to satisfy every client’s particular requires about Dc electric motors and dc gear motors. The will to complete a family of Dc standard motors and gear motors makes Ride the ideal partner for customers who need a complete range of products.
Ride is able to adapt the growth of the production and to do specific process for project-based special motors, thanks to its experience in automatic process.

The production of DC electric motorsis due to different phases of assembly. Each of them requires a particular experience to maintain lean the production process.
The main objectives are constant performances and competitiveness.


Selected suppliers

Whether the production concerns standard DC electric motors or a project-based special motor, the choose of suppliers is the base for the success.
Suppliers qualities must be reliability, flexibility and competiveness. Ride’s suppliers are a very important part of the production system and are essential to face new challenges.

Automated production

High automation is at the base of high quality and competitiveness of Dc electric motors and Dc gear motors.How a DC electric motor, a DC gear motor or a DC planetary gear motor are assembled, depends on the product design. Thinking automation belong the project-phase allows a more stable and efficient production.
The automation reduces human mistakes and optimizes production times. The first step is integrating personalization and productive flexibility into the automated production cycle. It’s essential that a Dc electric motor is always compatible to the consolidated production systems.

Life tests

Ride has a laboratory in which measures the motor electrical and mechanical performances and can also run a life test on the DC motor. The increasing requests about special motors and high performances impose the life test.
During life test we create the most extreme conditions, which the motor can suffer in its working life.

Direct Current Electric Motors

Ride crafts DC motors and gearmotors for every industry, ensuring tailored performance and reliability.


UNI ISO 9001

It certifies the efficiency of production processes and company organization

UL certification

Certifies electric motors approved for sale in the United States and Canada
